Traveling for business can be great. It’s a fantastic chance to make some important new connections, to secure deals and even when you are working; it gives you an opportunity to see a little bit of the world. But, it can also be lonely. If you travel regularly or for long periods of time, you may find yourself missing your friends, family and your normal home life. It can be tough.
If you are facing an extended business trip, it can also be difficult deciding what to pack. It’s not quite the same as going on vacation, but, you’ll hopefully still have some time to enjoy your surroundings. So, basically, you need to pack for everything. Here’s a look at how to prepare.
When you are traveling for a night or two, it’s easy to just check into a budget hotel in a central location and live out of your suitcase. If you are going to be staying for a few weeks, months or even longer, things are a little different.
These apartments at can give you an idea of the kind of thing that’s available all over the world. You’ll want somewhere you can make a home. Somewhere that you feel safe and comfortable. A place that you can relax and work in, and a place with plenty of space to unpack your suitcase.
When staying in a hotel, you often look for facilities such as a gym or restaurant. You won’t need this if you are looking for an apartment, but you will want to be in a convenient location, near to any business meetings and offices, as well as local amenities. Most companies will be only too happy helping you rent an apartment if they are sending you away for an extended period as it will work out considerably cheaper than staying in a hotel every night.
Your Wardrobe
When you are traveling for a longer period, there’s more to think about than just throwing a few smart business suits into a small bag. Finding the right balance can be tough. You want everything that you might need, but you don’t want to be overburdened with several large bags if you are making a long journey alone or plan to make a few trips during your stay.
Try to think about the weather at your destination, and, if you are staying for more than a few weeks, the change in seasons. Pack appropriately, traveling heavy to make the most of space in your case. If you are staying in an apartment, you may have access to a washing machine, but double check this before you go.
You also need to think about the times when you aren’t working. You’ll need some casual outfits, maybe something dressy for any formal occasions you may be expected to attend, and you may want to take some gym wear so you can stick to your usual exercise routine.
Sometimes, when you are traveling to another country for a long period, you may be able to take your family with you, which is fantastic. This can make the whole trip more enjoyable and less upsetting for everyone. But, it’s not always possible. If not, arrange for them to visit at least once. Have this booked in and make sure you can get a few days off before you leave, so you’ve got something to look forward to.
Home Comforts
The worst thing about being away from home for long periods of time is coping with homesickness. So, you’ll want to take some home comforts to help you settle. Take photographs of your family, your blanket or cushion and any other comforts that you think will help.
You may be surprised to find that it’s the smaller things that can make a place feel like home. Take your favorite coffee and mug and some of your regular laundry detergent so that all of your clothes still smell like home. You may even want to take the same scented candles or air fresheners you use at home.
If you are away on business, your company may be willing to cover most of your expenses and even offer you an extra allowance on top of your pay. But, make sure you fully understand how this is going to work before you go. Have a list of things that you can claim back and those that you must pay for out of your own budget. This can make the trip much easier to manage.
You also need to make sure you understand the tax implications of earning money or working in another country. It’s usually straightforward if you are an employee, but you may need to file a tax return or claim extra tax back when you return home. Someone in your company’s finance department will be able to help you.
Finally, on finance, you’ll need to let your bank know that you are going to be spending a long time in another country to stop them blocking your cards due to suspicious transactions.
If you are taking your computer, cell phone, camera and any other equipment, make sure you’ve got the right travel adaptors if you need them and don’t forget your chargers. Carry as much as you can in your hand luggage to keep it safe, and make sure it’s all covered individually on your insurance just in case.
Medication and Toiletries
Most medications are available all over the world nowadays. But, different brands can contain varying ingredients which can have different side effects. If you are on any long-term medication, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor before you travel to get enough to last the duration of your stay. Make sure you also know where local health centers are though in case of emergencies.
When it comes to toiletries, you may want to take your own, especially if you’ve got sensitive skin or allergies. But, you may not be able to take enough, so consider having someone send a care package out to you.
Have a look online before you leave on sites like to plan in some fun days out. Make the most of being in a different place and enjoy yourself when you can.